Blade Maidens: Shorts – Belonging in G Minor – 2
“I was thinking….maybe something across here, and then filling in these.”
“Sure thing. With what?”
“Ok, so I definitely want like, a full circle here, just the line, and then like, a filled in circle here.”
“Damn, that’s gonna hurt so bad you’ll think you’re meeting Sepestra.”
“Yeah, no, I know. And for the knuckles I was thinking something like……FULL MOON? MOON BABY? HOWL….”
“Oh, so they’re moons. Mmm. You want just the one? Not little Sister?”
“Little Sister, no. It’s cool. It works without. Besides like, Night’s Mother! Control and stability and all that.”
“Yeah, and you can always add it later.”
“Course. Actually. What if like – is HOWL BABY too nerdy? I don’t care. Don’t tell me.”
“No, no, it’s cool. Imagine you’re at a tavern in Kilzia and some motherfucker comes up to you with “HOWL BABY” tattooed on their knuckles.”
“Oooh. Yeah. No. That’s it. Fuck yeah.”
“Awesome. Just let me get set up and everything. You know you look kind of like that Havensbrook girl. Boots on the Ground? You seen them?”
“I get that a lot. But uh….no. Loner Lonely in Marado is good shit though.”
“Really? That one’s so fucking sad.”
“What can I say, I’m a sad bitch.”
“A sad bitch with HOWL BABY on your knuckles.”
– A consultation and conversation overheard by the patrons of “The Shattered Heart”, a tattoo shop outside of Stonehearth